

  • 19 February 2024
  • 4 min read

City Brand Barometer 2023 now available in Japanese

  • 19 February 2024
  • 4 min read
Rainbow gradient background with black text 'City Brand Barometer 2023 Business edition now available in Japanese'

Delivering world-class place branding in Tokyo, Osaka and beyond

As Saffron continues to grow in Japan, we're now excited to publish City Brand Barometer 2023, Business edition in Japanese.

Published annually since 2008, City Brand Barometer measures the strength of place brands around the world. The latest report gathers insights from a survey of 2,000 international business professionals and debuts a data-driven mobility study in partnership with astara investigating mobility’s role in memorability.

Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Fukuoka and Nagoya are among the ranks of the 2023 Business edition which includes breakout lists of Top 20 performers and emerging Leaders in Promise, Experience and Delivery. Notably, Tokyo climbed from 10th to 3rd place compared to years past, thanks to improved infrastructure and heightened recognition. Tokyo achieved the top position for the first time in the CBB 2022, Tourism edition, highlighting its strong global presence in both business and leisure.

Content is now available in both English and Japanese including the full report as well as thorough analysis of Osaka, Fukuoka and an article on Tokyo co-authored with Original, Inc., our strategic partners in Japan.

For a limited edition print copy, please contact us at:
