

  • 18 October 2023
  • 3 min read

City Brand Barometer 2023 in partnership with astara

  • 18 October 2023
  • 3 min read
Saffron and astara present the City Brand Barometer 2023, Business edition

Studying mobility’s effect on memorability in city brands around the world

We first worked with astara, one of the world’s leading mobility companies, in 2022 to create their brand helping people go further in the next era of mobility. We’ve partnered again to create City Brand Barometer 2023, Business edition (CBB).

CBB is our annual study for businesses, individuals and policy-makers to understand how cities are using brand to successfully stand out on a global scale. With an alternating focus on tourism and business, this year’s report culminates in a ranking of the top 100 best city brands for business worldwide.

In its 16th year, CBB now evaluates each city’s brand through its promise, experience and delivery. Including bespoke, data-driven research from astara Intelligence, the company’s advisory division, this year’s report also explores how mobility affects the memorability of global city brands. Together with astara, we identified 10 cities from the top 100 to analyse emerging trends and reveal crucial lessons for enhancing city brand experience through mobility.

About astara, the Open Mobility Company  

We are a global leading company in mobility (the Open Mobility Company), with a focus on people, committed to sustainability.   With a turnover in 2022 of 5,000 million euros globally, astara offers personal mobility solutions, with options for the different needs of each user, depending on the maturity of each market, including ownership, subscription and car sharing services. A mobility ecosystem, backed by data intelligence and supported by the astara platform.   All this thanks to a diverse team of more than 40 nationals, in 19 countries and 3 continents, Europe, LATAM and Asia. For more information about astara, visit:

About astara Intelligence

Thanks to our mobility advisory services, we help companies differentiate themselves and redesign mobility in the smart cities of the future. Astara Intelligence provides strategic and tailored mobility solutions for companies and public administrations. We offer an advisory service and data exploitation tools to understand mobility trends, technology, and most importantly, people. We look at changes in the mobility sector and our database houses eight years of industry study, analysis, and segmentation. This way we obtain information that allows us to react in real-time and take advantage of the opportunities in the mobility of today and tomorrow.